Monday, September 12, 2011

OK 8)

I finally scrapped together the dollars to purchased a Toshiba Thrive 32gb Android Tablet. Man oh man, is this a really nice machine. Still getting use to it though, but I like it enough to pass my Toshiba Vista Laptop to my wife Tina. Yup, I'm totally Google or as I like to say, "I'm a Googler!". You know what I mean, it is like saying, "I'm a PC" or "I'm a Mac", well "I'm a Googler".

How you say are you only using Android? No, I have my CR48 (Chromebook), that I received last year for beta testing. That and my new Thrive, gets me just about everything I need. As soon as Netflix and Hulu allow streaming on the Thrive, then it will be even better.

I look forward to the future of Android and newer versions and more apps that take advantage of the tablets abilities. However in the meantime there are hundreds of older apps that run just fine on my Thrive.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Super Wi-Fi Has 100km Range, Is Coming to Save the Day | PCWorld

Super Wi-Fi Has 100km Range, Is Coming to Save the Day | PCWorld

Can't wait, this should be a great technology.

Think of an 802.22 device (transmit / receive signals) to a ethernet connection to your 802.11 router. No modem needed. and you could take it with you in your car/truck and have a mobile network. Or use Skype device(like a cell/smartphone) that uses 802.22 for VoIP, no wonder Microsoft purchased Skype, they'll be a phone company! wow! 8)

A tablet with 802.11/802.22/g3 networking built-in, be connected at all times. no more cell towers every 5-10 mile to maintain signal. 802.22 is good for 60 miles. oh ya, think of one for all of northwest whatcom county.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am again a Board member . . .

Well I no sooner finished my term as a Church Trustee Chairperson, that I'm now a Board member at my Local Lynden Community Center.

For the last Year, I've been volunteering at the Community Center (LCC), making coffee for lunches and other special events. I then started at the beginning of the year a computer class for beginners each 1st and 3rd Monday. This class and do more and more computer support related things for the LCC staff. I now even have an office totally cool!

I look forward to helping anyone wishing to expand their knowledge. Not just with computers, but in any other area I'm expert in.