Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Donald totally misunderstand what she said.....

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he "greatly" appreciated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposing impeaching him, saying "he's just not worth it."
The president tweeted in response to Pelosi’s comments in an interview with the Washington Post Magazine disclosed on Monday. The speaker said impeachment is too divisive to the country and should not be carried out unless there is “compelling and overwhelming” evidence of wrongdoing based on the report from special counsel Robert Mueller.

At issue here is the part where she says, "Compelling and Overwhelming", oh or a totally Bipartisan bill of impeachment. So it is not that she would never consider it, she just wants it to be a full Congress agreement that impeachment is the best solution.

What a moron...

Monday, March 4, 2019

Belgian Scientists have break through producing Hydrogen

Read an article about over in Belgium have created Soloe panels that produce Hydrogen Gas. This can be used to burn and produce heat. It can also be stored without loss of energy, unlike electricity.

here is the link, Belgian scientists announce new solar panel that makes hydrogen